AI modules


We provide high-performance data products for EMS, ADMS and DERMS providers, utilities, asset operators, energy hardware manufacturers, and traders.
Ultra-low latency

PVNow - direct PV power forecasting

  • from nowcasting for the next 2 days
  • updates for 36h ahead (full day-ahead trading horizon) with updates below 15 minutes
  • for individual assets or aggregation
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EnerPilot - automated asset control with market features

  • energy data cloud with market data sets
  • automation of microgrid operations with real time analytics
  • automation of energy pricing and trading strategies

AssetPredict - predictive maintenance for energy assets

  • run-to-failure historics of similar machines
  • real-time monitoring through AI-based sound assessments
  • estimation of remaining useful life (RUL)

VegetoPredict - predictive vegetation management

  • automatic fusion of proprietary and external geospatial data
  • near-real time identification of vegetation threats for macro- and micro-grids
  • maintenance planning for up to 2 years ahead

Boost your energy operations with AI-driven insights.

Connect with us to discuss your specific needs or request access to data for testing.